Tomorrow Starts Tonight: 5 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster


In our house, sleep is a cherished commodity. With one 4-year old and one 10-month old, my wife and I never know how much sleep a night will allow. Our kids’ restless nights become our restless nights.

Some may view one’s ability to function on limited sleep as a badge of honor, but most research points us in another direction. Those who sleep well tend to achieve more, experience less stress, and think more clearly during throughout the day than those who do not sleep well. Sufficient sleep benefits the time we spend at work and with our families.

You will be better able to shoulder your responsibilities with a good night’s sleep.

Of course, the first step in having a good night’s sleep is falling asleep. And if you are like me, this simple step is not simple at all. So, here are 5 quick ways to help you, and me, fall asleep faster:

1. Create a routine

Wind down by developing a bedtime pattern. If you watch TV at night, make sure that it is off by a predetermined time. You may want to read a chapter in a book or spend time in prayer before turning out the lights. Whatever your pattern you choose, be consistent. A bedtime routine tells your body that it is time to sleep.

2. Chill

People tend to fall asleep faster when the room is cool. Before you go to bed, make sure to set your thermostat at a cooler temperature. I have seen recommendations of setting the thermostat at 65 degrees. For the sake of my electric bill, I keep it a little warmer.

3. Get rid of your night lights

Light hinders our ability to sleep well, especially artificial light. Find ways to make your room dark. Eliminate any lights that are unnecessary. If you are like me and concerned about stepping on a rogue Lego block, keep a small flashlight on your bedside table.

 4. Use decaf

As you approach your bedtime routine, stay away from caffeine. You do not want to battle caffeine while trying to wind down. Caffeine will win. Your sleep will lose.

 5. Silence your phone

And turn off the vibrate mode as well. Not only will the sounds keep you awake, but you will be tempted to answer the call or respond to the text, making your brain active again. The only sound that should come from phone is the morning alarm.

Start tomorrow right by falling asleep faster tonight.

photo credit: mrjoro via photopin cc

2 thoughts on “Tomorrow Starts Tonight: 5 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

  1. another tip is to write down words you associate with sleepiness about half an hour before bed. It creates left/right brain connections and let’s you body know that you are ready to sleep…Night Night 🙂

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