Stop Avoiding the Difficult Conversation


If you lead people, the need to have a difficult conversation will arise. Common issues include poor performance, bad attitudes, and behaviors that undermine organizational values. Whether you work at a church, at another type of non-profit, or in corporate America, you will probably find yourself facing the need to have a conversation that makes you uncomfortable.

Many of us will postpone these conversations or avoid them completely. Why do we do this?

  • We fear their response.
  • We do not like confrontation.
  • We know that it will injure our relationship with the person.
  • It may change our reputation.

To put it succinctly, we like to be liked.

But postponing or avoiding these conversations have consequences. As a leader, you must confront personnel issues that are injurious to your organization and those associated with it. Here’s why:

1. No one else will do it.

It is part of your responsibility. Everyone is looking to you to address the issue.

2. The issue will not go away on its own.

Ignoring the issue communicates a condoning of the problem.

3. The fallout is not contained.

Rarely do these types of issues impact only one person or even one office. They seep into many areas of the organization. Typically, this is discovered after the issue is addressed.

4. The impact is greater than you imagine.

You could potentially lose valued personnel over it. Your valued personnel do not want to work in an environment where poor performance and negative behavior is ignored. They will take their good performance and positive behavior elsewhere.

5. The individual may not realize the severity of the issue.

Out of respect to the individual, the issue needs to be brought to their attention. Their ability to correct the issue starts with your conversation. Though painful to hear, their future self may be grateful for you courage.

If you know that a difficult conversation needs to happen, do not wait. The benefits of having the conversation far outweigh the momentary discomfort that you will feel.

photo credit: lhuiz via photopin cc