How to Protect Your Church from Lawsuits


In today’s litigious society, no organization is exempt from a potential lawsuit, including the local church. Church leaders know the damage a lawsuit causes a church. Trust is lost. Reputation is tarnished. Often, a backlash by the surrounding community is felt, and not just by the involved church. Neighboring churches feel a portion of the weight as well.

While lawsuits are not completely avoidable, here are a few guidelines to help church leaders prevent litigation:

1. Obey the law

Specifically, make sure that all of your church business practices are aligned with current laws. Church human resources and finances need a close examination. These laws change on a regular basis. Make sure that your business practices are actually legal.

2. Obey church documents

Church bylaws assist churches in avoiding lawsuits. Issues of membership, staffing, and budget approval are just a few items that are found in church bylaws. Abiding by your church documents reduces accusation.

3. Record decisional meetings

Take minutes. Record everything of importance and keep significant documents. These records prevent “he said, she said” arguments from moving forward. Any time a significant decision is made, document and store the decision. Hopefully, you will never need it. But if you do, you have your documentation ready.

4. Avoid gray areas

You will not have to search for the gray areas. They will find you. Personally, I always err on the conservative interpretation of the law. I recommend you do the same. If accusations of wrongdoing arise, it is easily defended because you chose to stay out of the gray.

What are some ways that your church or other organization prevents lawsuits?

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