You Need You to Take a Vacation

Hurricane Isaac altered our family’s vacation plans. We were originally scheduled to hang out with my grandparents in South Alabama, but Isaac’s path strongly encouraged a different itinerary. Being stuck in the country with no electricity, possible flooding, and a two-year old son did not sound very vacation-like. On the day we were scheduled to fly out of South Florida to Alabama, we opted for Jacksonville, Florida. We quickly made hotel reservations and journeyed the five hours up I-95 to North Florida. Our small family was going to have a vacation.

Sometimes, it is difficult to take time off. An infographic from Rasmussen College looks at unused vacation days in America. You may find yourself like 65% of American who do not maximize their vacation time throughout the year. And you have your reasons. Maybe you are like the 34% of Americans who say that they just cannot afford a vacation. Maybe you are like the 15% of Americans who say that they just forget to schedule their vacations in advance, causing them to lose their vacation days. Or maybe you relate to another 15% of Americans who say that they enjoy work too much to take time off. Most of us would refer to this group as workaholics. If you are an individual that struggles to take a few days off, here are three reasons why you should consider a vacation:

1.  Your work needs you to take a vacation.

They need you to break your routine. Your ideas have become predictable. You don’t have enough ideas. They need you do discover some new inspiration. You need see something other than your office’s four walls, even if they are covered with inspirational posters. They don’t want you to burnout. Turnover is a costly pain. They want you to enjoy your job and not bring down the rest of the office with your depression. Your work needs you to take a vacation.

2. Your family needs you to take a vacation.

They want to see another side of you, the non-post-workday side of you. The side that is a little more carefree, untainted by job stressors. They want to create memories with you. They want to have a few inside jokes. They want to have an unplanned, intimate conversation with you. The kind of conversation that only arises when you spend extended amounts of time with someone. They want to hold your hands. They want to know that you will take advantage of any opportunity that allows you to spend time with them. Your family needs you to take a vacation.

3. You need you to take a vacation.

Your heart needs you to take a break. Your body needs you to slow down for a little while. Your mind needs you to think about something other than work. And don’t forget to unplug. Fifty-five percent of vacationers are unable to rejuvenate while they are away from the office. Don’t let your body be at the beach while your mind remains at the office. Check in as little as possible. Relax and recover. You need you to take a vacation.